Photo at 2007 Calgary Stampede by Chuck Szmurlo

Several years ago, my friend Trisha took us to a PBR event and we've been hooked ever since, heading up to Sacramento, Reno or Mollala, OR for events whenever possible. Someday we hope to make to the finals in Las Vegas.
The bulls and cowboys are well conditioned athletes who compete with grit, strength and wits to see who will prevail for 8 seconds. You're thinking that 8 seconds doesn't sound like much. However, if you're on the back of a 2,000 lb. bucking bull who is intent on planting you in the dirt like a lawn dart, you'll soon understand the true meaning of respect.
Fans love cowboys and bulls alike, we all have our favorites: Justin McBride, Chris Shivers and JB Mauney, great bulls like Little Yellow Jacket, Bones, Raindeer Dippin and Troubador. It could be called an extreme sport, but one of the reasons we love it is that it's also a family sport, a sport of generations bringing parents, children and grandparents together to cheer on their favorites.
From Cowboy Poet Baxter Black's Legacy of a Rodeo Man
"It's guts and love and glory, One mortal's chance at fame, His legacy is rodeo, And cowboy is his name"
"It's guts and love and glory, One mortal's chance at fame, His legacy is rodeo, And cowboy is his name"
One of the best things about going to a PBR event is Flint Rasmussen - He's the one who keeps it all moving for the fans. He is the consummate entertainer: singer, dancer, storyteller, comedian, clown and athlete. He's been captivating crowds at PBR events for years. You'll never see him on TV coverage of events, but he is absolutely worth the price of admission to a live PBR event.