We drove down to SF the morning of the 20th for my TACE procedure rather than going down the night before. Let's face it SF is a noisy place, especially when the only night sounds you're used to are crickets and the occasional owl. We left about 5:15am and got to UCSF with time to spare. Rod headed home that afternoon and came back late the next morning to pick me up. TACE IV is in the books. This one was to take care of the small spot that had been seen on CT Scan in December. They weren't sure it was a tumor but were going to treat it as one.

I had no idea where this little gremlin was located but when the pain medication began to wear off I had a general idea. I love elephants and all I could think of was a little circus elephant doing a handstand in the middle of my chest. It's taken me 10 days to get back to almost normal. I'm still getting a residual twitch every once in while, but have started walking again.

Devine Jubilee
The great news is that this was my last TACE, at least for the time being. We'll meet with my doctor in November. The earliest I can expect to reach the top of the liver transplant list is September 2014. As long as my liver continues to function well and Audrey II remains in check it's okay to wait.
However, if the tumor continues to grow, TACE's are not the solution. My doc
has asked us to consider a "non-ideal liver" so that I don't have to wait so long for a transplant. If I opt into the program and don't feel ready to take a higher risk at the time, I can decide to wait for another liver. Doing so will not affect my status on the waiting list. The risks and benefits of this decision may change over time if my liver gets sicker.
However, if the tumor continues to grow, TACE's are not the solution. My doc
has asked us to consider a "non-ideal liver" so that I don't have to wait so long for a transplant. If I opt into the program and don't feel ready to take a higher risk at the time, I can decide to wait for another liver. Doing so will not affect my status on the waiting list. The risks and benefits of this decision may change over time if my liver gets sicker.
Off the leash for awhile and looking forward to blue highways and camping under the stars. We're planning to take off September 25th (Happy Birthday Rod) for a couple of weeks. It's time for us to wander. We've definitely earned a time out.