Sunday, February 14, 2010

Simply Unexpected

When we were young it seemed cards and flowers, presents or a candlelit dinner were to be expected on Feb 14th. We have now shared 28 Valentine's Days and find that the little unexpected gestures, acts of imagination, and something as simple as the offer of a foot rub after dinner have more meaning than anything we could buy.

I am a collector of rocks and crystals and last year my husband awoke to find this on the counter. He is the chef in the family and today fixed pancakes for breakfast. When he brought my plate to the table there were 2 heart shaped pancakes smothered in a compote of raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. I was so caught up in the moment I was halfway through the first pancake before I realized I should have taken a picture! However, because of my delightful, edible gift he has been forgiven for skunking me at Cribbage this morning!

So when Valentine's day comes around again don't purchase your thoughts of love; create something from your imagination, pick a bouquet wildflowers, cook something special or go for a long walk. It's the little things that make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Shelley,
    I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for the lovely insights into the joy and beauty of and in life.
