Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tombstone Series ~Those Big Business Sons of Bitches ~ Letter to John L. Lewis ~ January 21, 1949

As a miner and mining engineer, my Grandfather had a unique perspective and intimate knowledge the conditions miners were forced to work under. During his time in Washington, DC he also took on Standard Oil, Land Grant Railroads, Bureau of Mines, Bureau of Land Management and the Interior Department to expose the "thefting and framing" of the American public out of billions of dollars of mineral rights. He felt it was his mission to bring the heat to the feet of those "Big Business Sons of Bitches". 

This letter is to John L. Lewis, head of the United Mine Workers of America.  I believe the letter they both refer to was the one grandfather wrote to Donovan Richardson, who was the publisher of the Christian Science Monitor at the time. It was published on May 22, 2015, under the title "Tombstone Series ~ Those Big Business Sons of Bitches ~ Letter to Donovan Richardson ~ November 10, 1949"

Looking at previous correspondence I believe the date on this letter, in relation to the others, should have been dated January 21, 1950 and not 1949, though we'll never know for sure.

History is a tapestry woven of threads and memories and times long forgotten. The beauty of these old letters is that a new light is shed on first hand accounts of important moments in history. Stay curious and as Grandpa used to say "Good Hunting".

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