Thursday, December 18, 2014

De-Liver Me Tour, Top of the 7th, Rain Delay Part II ~ Dec 15, 2014

UpdateIt was raining cats and dogs on the way to San Francisco. We were expecting the worst, but much to our surprise drivers were being sane, courteous and careful. Decoding the parking map for Kaiser was a bit of a challenge but we prevailed and got a bit of a walk in.

Raining Cats and Dogs - open edition Art Print
My doc told me ahead of time that he was going to do a biopsy so we could get a definitive answer as to what we were looking at. Cystic masses are quite common on organs of the body, but this one appeared denser than anticipated which was the cause for concern. We should have the results in 7-10 days. I'll remain on the Liver Transplant "pink list" accruing points, but not eligible for transplant, for the time being. 

All went as planned, and it only took about two hours. The crew was great from admissions, to the procedure room, to the "park her here until she lands back in this world" recovery area. There is something to be said for conscious sedation. I don't remember a thing, even the post procedure conversation with my doctor. Good thing Rod was there. 

Rays of sun peaking through the clouds

Watching the Sunset of Nature's Splendor with Light Beams bursting through the Clouds on A Lake Michigan Shore A Seascape Nature Photograph
Watching the sunset of nature's splendor 

Just heard from my Team Pharmacist ~ There is no longer any evidence of the Hep C virus detectable in my blood: zip, zero, squat. I'll remain on the Ribivarin and Sofosbuvir drug regimen to keep it so until the transplant. 

Time to Celebrate

 December 21, 1986
Gold Hill Hotel in Gold Hill, NV

But Seriously Folks
with our witnesses Barbara and Steve Novacek

Our 28th wedding anniversary is on Winter Solstice, December 21st. Since I am on medical hold at the moment and off my leash, we've decided a little adventure would be an great way to celebrate. We're going to spend a couple of days at the Timber Cove Inn north of Jenner. Foul weather means fireplace, reading, King's Cribbage and great food. Good weather means exploring the neighborhood, coastal walks and great food. We're talking win win here. 

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